Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Your Global Warming Scare for Today

Global warming may reroute evolution

(PhysOrg.com) -- Rising carbon dioxide levels associated with global warming may affect interactions between plants and the insects that eat them, altering the course of plant evolution, research at the University of Michigan suggests.

The research focused on the effects of elevated carbon dioxide on common milkweed, Asclepias syriaca. Milkweed is one of many plants that produce toxic or bitter chemical compounds to protect themselves from being eaten by insects. These chemical defenses are the result of a long history of interactions between the plants and insects such as monarch caterpillars that feed on them.

Read more . . .
Here's what I commented on my Facebook.

  1. I tried to find exactly how the research was conducted, because it's implied that they just followed normal plants. Could not find what the experiments actually were. In all likelihood they raised these plants in elevated CO2 environments . . .HIGHLY elevated ones. Remember the cancer scare of the 1960s and 1970s with saccharine . . . where it got banned for a couple of decades because it caused cancer in rats. Of course, to get the same results you would have to drink a bathtub full of soda flavored with it EVERY DAY for YEARS. Same deal. The chances our CO2 levels will ever reach that high are practically non-existent as the Earth is a self correcting system and they can't even tell you were all the CO2 goes now, how can we trust ANYTHING these shills for faux green corporations say? We are running out of fossils fuels. Chances don't see very high to me that we will reach the tipping point MERELY because of human activity.
  2. The CO2 levels on the earth today are FAR . . really really far . . .from as high as they have ever been. Here's a chart. That means that most current species have had to adapt to lower CO2 levels and have the mechanisms in place to adapt easily. Could the things that eat them have to adapt. Well, DUH . . but any of those things ALSO had to endure previous climate changes.
  3. Change happens. Why are modern humans obsessed with halting evolution? Why do they act like the very thing responsible for our existence is bad? Evolution is good. Change is good. We just adapt. Learn new strategies. We could be using this opportunity to test various ways of creating self sufficient communities. Or finding out how human communities are best facilitated in being flexible and supportive of humans. Instead we run around screaming that the sky is falling.
The bottom line here is that governments and corporations don't want real change to our lifestyles. That's bad for the bottom line. They want us to buy more, to create an ever expanding market. Which is why they don't tell you that the BEST thing we could do to lower our impact on the planet is stop breeding. We could stand to reduce our population by about 50% or more. But that means less consumers. Fewer tax payers. Not as many grunts to do the work and support the lifestyles of the rich and wasteful.

I suppose the good news, for the Earth, is that when the combination of human influence and naturally occurring climate change reaches the extremes it has in the past, a lot of humans are going to die. It will be brown people . . .and I continue to believe that those in power understand that and are good with that. As long as rich people (of all colors, rich brown people are no better than the whites assholes in charge) live, who cares about the poor of color?

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