Monday, February 21, 2011

So . . Which is it going to be?

Here's a 2006 report that echoed the common terrorist threats of AGW cultists in the first part of the first decade of the 21st Century:

Global warming to cause massive drought over next 100 years, say climatologists

Global warming is predicted to be the cause of a massive drought that will threaten the lives of millions and take over half the land surface on our planet in the next 100 years, according to Britain's leading climatologists.

Extreme drought, which makes modern agriculture virtually impossible, is seen by a new study from the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research as possibly affecting about one-third of the planet in the next century. These predictions may actually be an underestimation, said the climate scientists who released the results of the study.

Now, in the first part of the second decade of the 21st Century, they are singing a different tune:

Heavy Rains Linked to Humans

An increase in heavy precipitation that has afflicted many countries is at least partly a consequence of human influence on the atmosphere, climate scientists reported in a new study.

In the first major paper of its kind, the researchers used elaborate computer programs that simulate the climate to analyze whether the rise in severe rainstorms, heavy snowfalls and similar events could be explained by natural variability in the atmosphere. They found that it could not, and that the increase made sense only when the computers factored in the effects of greenhouse gases released by human activities like the burning of fossil fuels.

So which is it?  Are we going to starve to death because there's no rain to grow crops or are we going to drown?  And notice, there's no indication the fearmongers even CARE that we have the power to protect ourselves.  No evidence they understand that there are technologies that could be used to secure our food supply locally and in any eventuality.  No, only the fear . . .only the "omg the world is coming to an end and it's all people's fault . . . only "we have to stop climate change". 

Here's a bulletin, morons.  The climate has changed before, and we adapted as a species.  We are fully capable of adapting again.  So stop trying to sell bogus carbon offsets and faux green goods and start working toward protecting humanity.  Stupid git.

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