Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Maine Town Passes Local Food and Community Self-Governance Ordinance, Becomes First in US to Declare Food Sovereignty

The town of Sedgwick, Maine, population 1,012 (according to the 2000 census), has become the first town in the United States to pass a Food Sovereignty ordinance.  In doing so, the town declared their right to produce and sell local foods of their choosing, without the oversight of State or federal regulation. 

What does this mean?  In the debate over raw milk, for example, the law opens the gate for consumer and producer to enter a purchasing agreement without interference from state or federal health regulators.    Read more . . .

Friday, April 01, 2011

The Nichols Solar Concentrating PV Farm

A solar farm using concentrating solar photovoltaic technology, which combines mirrors and solar PV cells, was recently completed in Hanford, Calif. at the Nichols Farms. It’s a 1 MW solar project, using technology from SolFocus, and built by Bechtel and developer Sol Orchard. 

Read more . . .

Now, they need to plant red clover under the collectors and install beehives.  Not only will they be able to collect honey, the bees will pollinate the surrounding fields when the various fruits and veggies are blooming.